5 Sobering Facts About Drunk Driving

Shubham Pagar • September 6, 2023

Drunk driving is strictly prohibited in all 50 states. There are numerous warnings on television and billboards, and many states use traffic check points to try and catch people driving drunk. When you see these statistics from MADD , you’ll understand why.

  • Someone Dies Every 53 Minutes

Every day in America, a person is killed by a drunk driver every hour.

  • You Have a 2 in 3 Chance of Being Involved

Even if you don’t drink, you still have a two in three chance of being involved in a drunk driving accident during your lifetime.

  • 28.7 Million People Have Driven While Drunk

Even more sobering, those are only the ones who admit to doing it.

  • There Are 300,000 Drunk Drivers On the Road

At any given time during a 24 hour period, there are about 300,000 intoxicated drivers on the road.

  • 50-75% of DWI Convicts Keep Driving With a Suspended License

Prior DWIs (or DUIs), don’t slow down most drunk drivers. Even after their license has been suspended, they continue to drive.

Remember to always have a designated driver if you plan to drink, or call a cab, Uber, or Lyft driver to get you safely home.

If you need engine repairs, call us today so that we can get it fixed!

5 Sobering Facts About Drunk Driving
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